: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
G1 : G2 : G3
Group, The

Group, The

The group was a secret coven of 13 people gathered together by a man named Slayton. Slayton fancied himself a warlock, and during one of his rituals, he stumbled across what he believed to be a hole in the balance of power between Heaven and Hell.

He came to believe that this hole would be filled by something given enough time, as nature abhors a vacuum. To speed things along, he created The Group. Each of the 13 people agreed to consume one another until there would be only one person remaining. This final person would then be the vessel through which a beast would come to fill the void, a beast he called Urizen.

Before the ritual could be completed, however, Spawn intervened and poisoned one of their fellow "meals."

186, 188

A mysterious agent that apparently was looking after the Dead Zones in and around Spawn's alley. Whether he was an agent of Hell or Heaven is not clear.

After Al Simmons' suicide, the guardian met with Victoria to show her the bizarre Anomaly where Simmons killed himself. Later, the Guardian showed the same spot to the Violator and was swiftly murdered by the demon for knowing about it.

Gunslinger Spawn Gunslinger Spawn
See Ol' Job and Javier Sanchez

A corrupt cop who helped with an ambush of Sam and Twitch during the Udaku case. He was killed by members of the Sangiacomo crime family.
Guy DuBlanc
DA1, DA2, DA3, DA4, DA6

Guy DuBlanc

The handsome but tremendously vain captain at arms for Baron Rivalen. DuBlanc was the wicked enforcer of taxes in Rhyll, often killing or maiming those who could not pay.

In a fight with Covenant, Dublanc was hideously scarred and began to wear a mystical horned mask given to him by the evil Sisters of the Morrigan. Scarred in both body and pride, DuBlanc became even more vicious and vowed revenge upon Covenant.

He followed Covenant across the countryside until they had their final confrontation in France. Covenant warned DuBlanc to abandon his petty quest for revenge and shrugged him off after removing DuBlanc's hand in battle.

Gwen (1)

Gwen (1)
The receptionist working for Seamus O'Halloran, father of Senator Sean Halloran.

Gwen (2)
A member of Travis Ward's pool team.
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