: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn 165
Image: Trent
  - Book: Spawn
  - Issue: 165
  - Date: February 2007
  - Writer(s):
- David Hine  
  - Artist(s):
- Lan Medina
- Edgar Tadeo
- Tom Orzechowski
- Andy Troy
- Matt Milla
- Brian Haberlin
- Jay Photos
- Francis Takenaga
  - Notes: - 1st appearance of Mandarin Spawn
- This issue is a one-shot story about the Mandarin Spawn character originally created as a figure.
- Mandarin Spawn

In Japan at the end of the Southern Sung Dynasty, there was a ruthless governor of Shansi province named Zheng Li. When one of Zheng Li's villages could not pay his high taxes, they sent a curiosity to amuse the governor instead. This curiosity would prove to be the governor's undoing.
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